What's on...
Below is a calendar of training opportunities. More description of each is here.
Some of the events are not organised by us but we highly recommend all the activities here - they will all make you very welcome.
If an event is with a third-party remember to check with them direct that their event is still happening and if you need you to pre-register. Contact details/website links are available by clicking on events in the calendar.
We can and will organise additional opportunities (eg Merchant Taylor swimming and BRIC training (bike/run) & we highly recommend using our WhatsApp groups to buddy up for impromptu or other regular exercise/training with like-minds and similar abilities.
Please remember if you're fundraising with us and have a page set-up you can also claim a 7 day gym/swim/classes pass with us for Moberly Sports Centre or Willesden Sports Centre. Our big thanks to them for donating these.